lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

Roster de Personajes COMPLETO de LEGO DC Super-Villains - EGX 2018


Durante el EGX 2018, hubo una presentación de LEGO DC Super-Villains. Ahí nos mostraron un Gameplay del nivel "Arkham Breakout" y el mundo abierto. Mientras nos mostraban el mundo abierto, "accidentalmente" Arthur Parsons mostró TODO el roster de personajes. Aquí podrás ver la lista de los 162 personajes del juego, COMPLETA.

Estos son todos los personajes, toma en cuenta que puede haber algún error.

- Adam Strange
- Anti-Monitor
- Aqualad
- Aquaman
- Ares
- Arsenal
- Atom
- Atomica
- Atrocitus
- B’dg
- Bane
- Batgirl
- Batman
- Batwoman
- Beast Boy
- Big Barda
- Bizarro
- Black Adam
- Black Canary
- Black Manta
- Blue Beetle
- Booster Gold
- Brainiac
- Bronze Tiger
- Calendar Man
- Captain Boomerang
- Captain Cold
- Cat Woman
- Chang Tzu
- Cheetah
- Chesire
- Clayface
- Clock King
- Commissioner Gordon
- Condiment King
- Copperhead
- Count Veritgo
- Creeper
- Cyborg
- Darksied
- Deadshot
- Deathstorm
- Deathstroke
- Desaad
- Detective Chimp
- Dexxstar
- Doctor Fate
- Doctor Light
- Doctor Poison
- Donna Troy
- Doomsday
- Eclipso
- Enchantress
- Eradicator
- Felix Faust
- Firefly
- Firestorm
- Flash (Barry Allen)
- Flash (Wally West)
- Frankenstein
- General Zod
- Gentleman Ghost
- Gizmo
- Golden Glider
- Gorilla Grodd
- Grail
- Granny Goodness
- Green Arrow
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordon)
- Green Lantern (John Stewart)
- Grid
- Harley Quinn
- Hawkgirl
- Hawkman
- Heatwave
- Hugo Strange
- Huntress
- Jessica Cruz
- Jinx
- Johnny Quick
- Joker
- Kalibak
- Kanto
- Katana
- Kid Flash
- Killer Croc
- Killer Frost
- King Shark
- Kite Man
- Klarion the Witch Boy
- Krypto
- Lady Shiva
- Lashina
- Lex Luthor
- Livewire
- Lobo
- Lois Lane
- Mad Harriet
- Malcolm Merlyn
- Mammouth
- Mantis
- Martian Manhunter
- Mazah
- Mercy Graves
- Metallo
- Mirror Master
- Mister Miracle
- Mongrul
- Monsier Mallah
- Mr. Freeze
- Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Music Meister
- Nightwing
- Omac
- Orion
- Owlman
- Parasite
- Penguin
- Plastic Man
- Poison Ivy
- Polka Dot Man
- Power Ring
- Psimon
- Psycho Pirate
- Ra’s Al Ghul
- Rose Wilson
- Raven
- Red Hood
- Red Robin
- Red Tornado
- Reverse Flash
- Riddler
- Robin
- Scarecrow
- Sea King
- Shadow
- Shazam
- Silver Banshee
- Simon Baz
- Sinestro
- Solomon Grundy
- Solovar
- Starfire
- Star Sapphire
- Steppenwolf
- Stompa
- Superboy
- Superman
- Superwoman
- Talon
- Terra
- Trickster
- Trigon
- Toyman
- Two-Face
- Ultra Humanite
- Ultraman
- Ventriloquist
- Virmin V
- Vixen
- Wonder Girl
- Wonder Woman

Filtros de Personajes

Quiero mencionar que la función de LEGO The Incredibles, de filtros para habilidades de personajes regresará. Si quieres una habilidad específica, la seleccionas en el filtro y te dice que personajes la tienen, sin necesidad de que busques.

En otro artículo hablaré del mundo abierto del juego. ¿Qué les parece el roster? A mi me gustó la selección de personajes, pero son muy pocos a comparación del roster de LEGO Marvel 2. LEGO DC Super-Villains estará disponible el 16 de octubre en USA y Canadá, en el resto del mundo el 19 de octubre.


During EGX 2018, there was a presentation of LEGO DC Super-Villains. There, a Gameplay of the level "Arkham Breakout" and the hub world were shown. While they were showcasing the hub world, "accidentally" Arthur Parsons revealed ALL the character grid. Here you can see the list of the 162 characters in the game, COMPLETE.

These are all the characters, there might be a mistake.

- Adam Strange
- Anti-Monitor
- Aqualad
- Aquaman
- Ares
- Arsenal
- Atom
- Atomica
- Atrocitus
- B’dg
- Bane
- Batgirl
- Batman
- Batwoman
- Beast Boy
- Big Barda
- Bizarro
- Black Adam
- Black Canary
- Black Manta
- Blue Beetle
- Booster Gold
- Brainiac
- Bronze Tiger
- Calendar Man
- Captain Boomerang
- Captain Cold
- Cat Woman
- Chang Tzu
- Cheetah
- Chesire
- Clayface
- Clock King
- Commissioner Gordon
- Condiment King
- Copperhead
- Count Veritgo
- Creeper
- Cyborg
- Darksied
- Deadshot
- Deathstorm
- Deathstroke
- Desaad
- Detective Chimp
- Dexxstar
- Doctor Fate
- Doctor Light
- Doctor Poison
- Donna Troy
- Doomsday
- Eclipso
- Enchantress
- Eradicator
- Felix Faust
- Firefly
- Firestorm
- Flash (Barry Allen)
- Flash (Wally West)
- Frankenstein
- General Zod
- Gentleman Ghost
- Gizmo
- Golden Glider
- Gorilla Grodd
- Grail
- Granny Goodness
- Green Arrow
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordon)
- Green Lantern (John Stewart)
- Grid
- Harley Quinn
- Hawkgirl
- Hawkman
- Heatwave
- Hugo Strange
- Huntress
- Jessica Cruz
- Jinx
- Johnny Quick
- Joker
- Kalibak
- Kanto
- Katana
- Kid Flash
- Killer Croc
- Killer Frost
- King Shark
- Kite Man
- Klarion the Witch Boy
- Krypto
- Lady Shiva
- Lashina
- Lex Luthor
- Livewire
- Lobo
- Lois Lane
- Mad Harriet
- Malcolm Merlyn
- Mammouth
- Mantis
- Martian Manhunter
- Mazah
- Mercy Graves
- Metallo
- Mirror Master
- Mister Miracle
- Mongrul
- Monsier Mallah
- Mr. Freeze
- Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Music Meister
- Nightwing
- Omac
- Orion
- Owlman
- Parasite
- Penguin
- Plastic Man
- Poison Ivy
- Polka Dot Man
- Power Ring
- Psimon
- Psycho Pirate
- Ra’s Al Ghul
- Rose Wilson
- Raven
- Red Hood
- Red Robin
- Red Tornado
- Reverse Flash
- Riddler
- Robin
- Scarecrow
- Sea King
- Shadow
- Shazam
- Silver Banshee
- Simon Baz
- Sinestro
- Solomon Grundy
- Solovar
- Starfire
- Star Sapphire
- Steppenwolf
- Stompa
- Superboy
- Superman
- Superwoman
- Talon
- Terra
- Trickster
- Trigon
- Toyman
- Two-Face
- Ultra Humanite
- Ultraman
- Ventriloquist
- Virmin V
- Vixen
- Wonder Girl
- Wonder Woman

Character Filters

I want to mention that the function in LEGO The Incredibles, of ability filters for characters, will return. If you want a specific ability, you select it in the filter, and it tells you which characters have it, so you don't need to search.

In another article I will talk about the hub world. What do you think of the roster? I liked the selection of characters, but I think they are few when comparing with LEGO Marvel 2's grid. LEGO DC Super-Villains will be available on October 16th in USA and Canada, and worldwide on October 19th.

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